Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Have a look on iOS 9.2

Apple operating system is the most advanced mobile operating system in the world. It always appears with new changes. What you see today might not be the thing you see tomorrow. iOS 9.2 is a significant software update which has fall in to discussion because of its important improvements and as the next target of jailbreak iOS 9.2. Apple released iOs9.2 on December 2015.
This is called second major update came over iOS 9 it is truly the 4th update to iOS 9 when considering small bug fix releases of iOS 9.0.1, iOS 9.0.2 along with iOS 9.1. Moving away from the usual bug fixes and performance improvements, Apple brings new changes in 9.2 update to a considerable level.

All about iOS 9.2 progress

  • USB Camera Adapter support for iPhones.

Before the arrival of iOS9.2 ,only iPads could import pictures from digital cameras and SD cards using USB camera adapter. Now it is available in iPhones also with iOS 9.2.

  • Safari view controller available with third party app extensions.

 Previously, the Safari View Controller was only enabledyou to view web pages inside third-party apps, and not allowed the entrance to third-party app extensions. But in iOS 9.2 it has changed. No longer you shouldforce for the web link to open in safari to use the third party extensions. You can use the twitter app and open a web link in safri view controller and just click the share button. Then you can enter to all the third party app extensions very easily.

  • Mail drop support

The facility of transferring large documents attached up to 5GB size in the email is known as mail drop. Previously it was only available for iCloud users and thanks to iOS 9.2 it is now available in iPads and iPhones too.

  • iBooks support peek and pop for 3D Touch.

This facility is mostly an advantage for iBooks fans .Previously iBooks only had the Quick Actions support for the 3D Touch display.But now you can peek and pop into pages of a book. It’s a very comfortable addition for browsing through books.

  • Apple music become more agreeable.

Now you will be able to create a new playlist when adding a song for your current play list and you can see recently changed playlist on the top at the moment you add new songs. There’s a good facility of new download indicator next to each song  and also you can download song albums and play lists from the iCloud music library by clicking  “iCloud download”. While bowsing classical music, you could observe works and also related composers and performers in Apple music catalog with iOS 9.2 update 

  • Arabic support for Siri

Now Siri is ready to response you for your written and spoken commands in Arabic language

The last hope of a jailbreak was aiming towards iOS 9.2, though it didn’t took place yet and also it wont be important today as there are new updates released after iOS 9.2. Now Apple users are wishing to have jailbreaks for those new updates like 9.2.1 , 9.3, 9.3.1 and other updates which may drop in the future.

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